Just got back from a great weekend in Hotham. It's about 5 hours drive from Melbourne and offers skiing for a range of abilities. Which is lucky given my inability to ski. Sue and I have both been skiing before but a very long time ago and I know that I really had no ability what so ever.
So when the opportunity to go skiing with a few work friends came up we thought it would be good fun to give it a go. The other 6 people in our party are relatively accomplished so after we arrived and got skis and things me, Sue and Harry had a lesson. It was great and after 90 minutes we were all a bit shaky but just about able to snow plough turn.
The run in the picture is a green run that comes down from the summit of the mountain. So on day 2 we set our sights on conquering the summit. As Harry still needed a bit more confidence for this we got Natalie to give him a slightly more advanced lesson for 1 hour. Sue and I had a coffee while we waited for him. By the time we caught up with him Natalie declare he was a natural and good to go on a blue run. Excellent for harry not so good for Sue and I. While we were having coffee Harry had done the summit twice. So he showed us how it was done. I'll post a bit of video soon.
The following day Chris, Sid, Matt, Damo, Nathan and Minette took Harry (and Sue) under their wing and and took him on a blue run. So we all managed to have a fantastic time, I got to the summit and down in one piece, Sue and Harry did blue runs. But proud Dad here as Harry really went from not being able to ski at all to doing a blue run in 2 1/2 hours. Not bad for a little chap.